
... and welcome to my website. I am Aristotelis E. Charalampakis, Assistant Professor @ UNIWA

For a formal account of my academic interests and publications, please visit my pages in LinkedInResearchGateGoogle Scholar, and Scopus.

For informal chitchat, contact me in Facebook


For those seeking the next step in their postgraduate journey, our research group at the University of West Attica offers two full-time funded doctoral positions starting in 2025. The Ph.D. positions fall within the remit of the project entitled "Three-dimensional seismic isolation of sensitive artefacts and equipment by Geared Rocking/Rolling Inverse Pendulum System (3DGRIPS)". The project was funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, achieving top score among 121 proposals. Research will be conducted in collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and includes theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of Structural Dynamics. 

For more information click here.



can be awesome!


are not just acronyms.


at the end of the day.

Latest news & articles
J28 - Static and Dynamic Analysis of Strain Gradient Planar Trusses

Title: Static and Dynamic Analysis of Strain Gradient Planar Trusses
Author(s): Tsiatas GC, Charalampakis AE, Giannakopoulos AE, Tsopelas, P.
Journal: Buildings
Publisher: MDPI
Volume: 14
Issue: 12
Pages: 4031
Date: 2024
DOI: 10.3390/buildings14124031
Language: English

J27 - Machine Learning design of R/C sections revisited

Title: Machine Learning design of R/C sections revisited
Author(s): Charalampakis AE, Papanikolaou VK
Journal: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal
Publisher: Techno-Press
Volume: 92
Issue: 4
Pages: 341–348
Date: 2024
DOI: 10.12989/sem.2024.92.4.341
Language: English

B04 - Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

Title: Dynamics of rigid bodies
Type: Book
Edition: First
Authors: Tsiatas G, Charalampakis A, Tsopelas P
Publisher: Tsotras publications
ISBN: 978-618-217-044-1
Format: Papercover
Pages: 741
Language: Greek
Date: September 2023

J26 - Analysis and Design of Laminated Composite Beams based on a Refined Higher-Order Theory

Title: Analysis and Design of Laminated Composite Beams based on a Refined Higher-Order Theory
Author(s): Tsiatas GC, Charalampakis AE.
Journal: Journal of Composite Materials
Publisher: SAGE
Volume: 56
Issue: 19
Pages: 2963–2978
Date: 2022
DOI: 10.1177/00219983221097175
Language: English

J25 - New insights on rocking of rigid blocks: Analytical solutions and exact energy-based overturning criteria

Title: New insights on rocking of rigid blocks: Analytical solutions and exact energy-based overturning criteria
Author(s): Charalampakis AE, Tsiatas GC, Tsopelas P.
Journal: Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
Publisher: Wiley
Volume: 51
Issue: 9
Pages: 1965-1993
Date: 2022
DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3649
Language: English

J24 - Predicting the Response of Laminated Composite Beams: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms

Title: Predicting the Response of Laminated Composite Beams: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
Author(s): Tsiatas GC, Kotsiantis SB, Charalampakis AE.
Journal: Frontiers in Built Environment
Publisher: Frontiers
Volume: 8
Issue: -
Paper: -
Date: 2022
DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2022.855112
Language: English