When a programmer deals with mathematics, one of the most common routines added to his/her math library is matrix inversion. The following code implements a very efficient in-situ matrix inversion (meaning that no memory is allocated for another matrix to hold the result; the inverse of the matrix is built gradually in the matrix itself!). The code is based on an algorithm published in Numerical Recipes.
Classic VB (vb6) code
The code is written in classic vb (vb6). I am afraid that I do not have the time to convert it to .NET. Have fun:
Public Function TLMatrixInvertGaussJordan(mMatrix1() As Double, gDim As Long) As Long
On Error GoTo Er
'Matrix inversion with Gauss-Jordan elimination and full pivoting.
'mMatrix1 is transformed gradually to its inverse for reasons of memory usage :-)
'if you need to keep the original matrix, copy it to another matrix before inverting!
'Code taken from Numerical Recipes and modified for Visual Basic
'For this version we removed the solution vectors, because we only need the inverse of the matrix
Dim N As Long
Dim nP As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iRow As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim K As Long
Dim L As Long
Dim lL As Long
Dim Indxc() As Long
Dim Indxr() As Long
Dim Ipiv() As Long
Dim Big As Double
Dim Dum As Double
Dim piVinv As Double
N = gDim
ReDim Indxc(N) As Long
ReDim Indxr(N) As Long
ReDim Ipiv(N) As Long
For i = 1 To N 'do 22 i=1,n
Big = 0
For J = 1 To N 'do 13 j=1,n
If Ipiv(J) <> 1 Then 'if(ipiv(j).ne.1)then
For K = 1 To N 'do 12 k=1,n
If Ipiv(K) = 0 Then 'if (ipiv(k).eq.0) then
If Abs(mMatrix1(J, K)) >= Big Then ' if (abs(a(j,k)).ge.big)then
Big = Abs(mMatrix1(J, K)) 'Big = Abs(a(J, K))
iRow = J
iCol = K
End If
End If
Next K '12
End If
Next J '13
Ipiv(iCol) = Ipiv(iCol) + 1
If iRow <> iCol Then 'If (iRow.ne.iCol) Then
For L = 1 To N 'do 14 l=1,n
Dum = mMatrix1(iRow, L) ' Dum = a(iRow, L)
mMatrix1(iRow, L) = mMatrix1(iCol, L) 'a(irow,l)=a(icol,l)
mMatrix1(iCol, L) = Dum
Next L '14
'do 15 l=1,m
'Dum = b(iRow, L)
'b(iRow, L) = b(iCol, L)
'b(iCol, L) = Dum
'enddo 15
End If
Indxr(i) = iRow
Indxc(i) = iCol
If Abs(mMatrix1(iRow, iCol)) <= 0.000000000000001 Then 'if (a(icol,icol).eq.0.) pause
Debug.Print "ERROR : TLMatrixInvertGaussJordan : Singular Matrix."
Exit Function
End If
piVinv = 1 / mMatrix1(iCol, iCol) 'pivinv=1./a(icol,icol)
mMatrix1(iCol, iCol) = 1 'a(iCol, iCol) = 1
For L = 1 To N 'do 16 l=1,n
mMatrix1(iCol, L) = mMatrix1(iCol, L) * piVinv 'a(icol,l)=a(icol,l)*pivinv
Next L '16
'do 17 l=1,m
'b(iCol, L) = b(iCol, L) * piVinv
'enddo 17
For lL = 1 To N 'do 21 ll=1,n
If lL <> iCol Then 'if(ll.ne.icol)then
Dum = mMatrix1(lL, iCol) 'dum=a(ll,icol)
mMatrix1(lL, iCol) = 0 'a(ll,icol)=0.
For L = 1 To N 'do 18 l=1,n
mMatrix1(lL, L) = mMatrix1(lL, L) - mMatrix1(iCol, L) * Dum 'a(ll,l)=a(ll,l)-a(icol,l)*dum
Next L ' 18
'do 19 l=1,m
'b(lL, L) = b(lL, L) - b(iCol, L) * Dum
'enddo 19
End If
Next lL '21
Next i '22
For L = N To 1 Step -1 'do 24 l=n,1,-1
If Indxr(L) <> Indxc(L) Then 'if(indxr(l).ne.indxc(l))then
For K = 1 To N 'do 23 k=1,n
Dum = mMatrix1(K, Indxr(L)) 'dum=a(k,indxr(l))
mMatrix1(K, Indxr(L)) = mMatrix1(K, Indxc(L)) 'a(k,indxr(l))=a(k,indxc(l))
mMatrix1(K, Indxc(L)) = Dum 'a(k,indxc(l))=dum
Next K '23
End If
Next L '24
TLMatrixInvertGaussJordan = 1
Exit Function
Debug.Print "ERROR : TLMatrixInvertGaussJordan : Unspecified error."
End Sub