C02 - Ultimate strength analysis of arbitrary cross sections under biaxial bending and axial load by fiber model and curvilinear polygons

Title: Ultimate strength analysis of arbitrary cross sections under biaxial bending and axial load by fiber model and curvilinear polygons
Authors: Charalampakis AE, Koumousis VK
Type: Conference paper
Conference: 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics
Venue: Limassol, Cyprus
Date: 2005
Language: English


A precise fiber model algorithm for the analysis of arbitrary cross sections under biaxial bending and axial load is presented. The method can be applied to complex cross sections of irregular shape and curved edges, with/without openings and consisting of various nested materials. The only assumption is that plane sections before bending remain plane after bending (Bernoulli – Euler assumption). The cross section is described by curvilinear polygons. The material properties are user – defined; the stress – strain diagrams of all materials are composed of any number and any combination of consecutive polynomial segments (up to cubic), subject to a desired accuracy. Various effects such as concrete confinement, concrete tensile strength, strain hardening of the reinforcement etc. may be taken into account. Apart from ultimate strength analyses, the algorithm can be applied to various other problems in which the Bernoulli – Eyler assumption holds, as demonstrated in a number of examples. A special purpose computer program with full graphical interface has been developed.

[cite as]

Charalampakis AE, Koumousis VK. Ultimate strength analysis of arbitrary cross sections under biaxial bending and axial load by fiber model and curvilinear polygons. Proc 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus; 2005, p. 697.

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[ paper]
[ presentation]
[attached software : myBiaxial :  executable manual]