Title: Parameter estimation of Bouc-Wen hysteretic systems using sawtooth genetic algorithm
Authors: Charalampakis AE, Koumousis VK
Type: Conference paper
Conference: 8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
Venue: Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain
Date: 2006
Language: English
This paper deals with the identification of a generic Bouc-Wen hysteretic system. It utilizes the so-called Sawtooth Genetic Algorithm that combines variable population size and periodic partial reinitialization of the population. It is shown that, although the complexity of the problem is significant, the Sawtooth GA can rapidly provide very accurate results for engineering purposes.
[cite as]
Charalampakis AE, Koumousis VK. Parameter estimation of bouc-wen hysteretic systems using sawtooth genetic algorithm. Proc 8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain; 2006, p. 455.
[cited by]
- Bychkov, A.A., Soloviev, A.N., Rogkov, E.V., Shevzov, S.N. “Definition of the full set of elastic constants polymercomposite and piezocomposite materials on the basis of frequency analysis” (in Russian), Proc. 11th Conference “Modern Problems of Continuum Mechanics”, Rostov–on–Don, Russia; 2007 (in Russian).
[ paper]
[ presentation]
[attached software : myBWID : executable, manual]