Title: A comparative study of linear and nonlinear mass damping systems under seismic excitation
Author(s): Tsiatas GC, Charalampakis AE, Tsopelas P.
Journal: Engineering Structures
Publisher: Elsevier
Volume: 219
Article: 110926
Date: 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110926
Language: English
A comparative study of the seismic response of structures equipped with linear and nonlinear mass damping systems is presented herein. Three optimized mass damping systems mounted at the top of a linearly elastic two degree-of-freedom building are tested under an artificial seismic motion to assess their response. The artificial seismic motion is generated using the SIMQKE software and matching a specific response spectrum. The mass damping systems consist of (i) a Linear Mass Damper (LMD), (ii) a type-I Nonlinear Energy Sink (NES) with a nonlinear elastic spring of the cubic oscillator, and (iii) a Friction Nonlinear Energy Sink (FNES) which extends the NES with a friction element and a linear elastic spring of potentially negative stiffness. The results for each configuration are validated with a set of real scaled ground motion time histories matching the same specific spectrum, and a quantification of the response variability in relation to the input variability is attempted. An interesting observation is that the artificially generated excitation consistently underestimates critical design/ response quantities, as compared to the average response of the set of real ground motions.
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[cite : BibTex, Reference Manager, or manually as : Tsiatas GC, Charalampakis AE, Tsopelas P. A comparative study of linear and nonlinear mass damping systems under seismic excitation. Engineering Structures, 219 (2020): 110926, doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110926.]