Title: A consistent degrading Bouc–Wen model
Author(s): Kottari A, Charalampakis AE, Koumousis VK
Journal: Engineering Structures
Publisher: Elsevier
Volume: 60
Issue: -
Pages: 235–240
Date: 2014
DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.12.025
Language: English
In this work, a consistent smooth Bouc–Wen-type degrading hysteretic model is presented which incorporates stiffness degradation, strength deterioration, pinching, asymmetric hysteresis and strainhardening characteristics. The smooth rate-independent model originally proposed by Bouc [1] and later extended by Wen [2] was further developed by Sivaselvan and Reinhorn [3] to incorporate degradation phenomena. This is extended herein to incorporate two specific modifications; one accounting for the loading history effect in stiffness degradation, pointed out by Wang and Foliente [4], and another related to compatibility with plasticity postulates. The latter is independently enforced based on the method developed by Charalampakis and Koumousis [5], eliminating the model’s displacement drift, force relaxation and non-closure of hysteretic loops when subjected to short unloading–reloading paths. Numerical examples are presented for a single-degree-of-freedom system demonstrating the effect of the modifications, particularly for seismic excitations.
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[cite : RIS, BibTex, or manually as : Kottari A, Charalampakis AE, Koumousis VK. A consistent degrading Bouc–Wen model. Engineering Structures, 60 (2014): 235–240, doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2013.12.025.]